SSF 114 edition 3 – Requirements for Alarm transmission systems – Intruder alarm systems

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Target demographic: Manufacturer, dealer, claimer.

These statutory requirements contain regulations for all classes of alarm transmission in line with SSF 130 –  Planning and installation of intruder alarm system.

The regulations constitute basic principles and therefore do not contain detailed technical requirements over and above those specified in SS-EN 50136 Alarm systems – Alarm transmission systems and equipment.

In addition to these regulatory requirements, the requirements that a definer of requirements may have regarding alarm types, devices for receiving and registering alarms, alarm response, paging, etc., must be considered.

No specifications for transfer media types are specified as these may change with the development of technology.

The certificate of an installed alarm transmitter is valid until the alarm transmitter is replaced or moved, in which case requirements are set to comply with the applicable standard.

Compliance with the applicable standard must be ensured when replacing or moving alarm transmitters.

SSF 114 edition 3 Requirements for Alarm transmission systems – Intruder alarm systems.

Language: English

Dated Mars 2021

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