SSF 3492 edition 2 – Secure cabinet – Testing and evaluation of burglary resistance

845 kr1,055 kr

Target demographic: Manufacturer, dealer, claimer, installer company.
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Product information

Target demographic: Manufacturer, dealer, claimer, installer company

Setters of requirements, e.g. insurance companies and public authorities, refer to standards in terms and conditions and provisions in which requirements on storage exist. Storage requirements can relate to theft-prone property, weapons, classified documents etc.

Security cabinets in accordance with this standard must be equipped with a permanently-fixed lock that fulfills the requirements according to SSF 3880 or SS 3880.

  • SSF 3492 Edition 2 – Secure cabinet – Testing and evaluation of burglary resistance
  • Language: English.
  • Dated: 11/23/2021

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